WRG NW January 2013 - Sawmills

Volunteers at Work

Photos from the WRG NW work party continuing the tree felling at Sawmills

WRG NW March 2012 - Sawmills

The wall starts to appear

Photos from the work party continuing the rebuilding work on the Gauging Narrows

Dry Dock at Lock 6

Hard at it! The dock starts to appear.

Photos from the work party clearing out the Dry Dock at Lock 6


Pruning trees with a pole saw from a work boat on the far side of the canal. The trick here is not to fall in!

Photos from the work party reed clearing at Cromford

WRG Canal Camp 2012 - Derwentside

The finished weir

Photos from two weeks of WRG work rebuilding the Derwentside Side Weir

WRG Canal Camp 2011 - Sawmills

The WRG Volunteers

Photos from the work party commencing rebuilding of the Gauging Narrows

Ironville Locks

The canal in this area has been used as a rubbish tip for some time, and has been sadly neglected.

Photos from the work party clearing out Ironville Locks

Gregory Tunnel

Meeting up with DCC Rangers at the Wharf Shed to receive our instructions and tools.

Photos from the work party clearing outside Gregory Tunnel