Work Parties - Photo Galleries
(WRG Canal Camp 2011 - Sawmills Gauging Narrows)
This photo gallery shows the work done by WRG volunteers in 2011, during the Cromford Canal Camp that ran 16-23 July. Pictures taken by George Rogers & Colin Hobbs.
Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
And this is why, the vegetation growth completely conceals the offside wall which was the target for the week's work
Tiforing begins to remove the tree roots that have grown into the wall - behind the route is FCCs own Eric Singleton, who had joined us on site for a day
The excavation is starting to reach the bottom, although they kept finding more and more 'interesting' stuff. Strangely it included a 1970s plastic toy
At the opposite end to the previous photo, the wall is a lot more derelict and the greenery much more stubborn. Here Tina works to clear our start point for rebuilding