Work Parties - Photo Galleries
(WRG NW Weekend 3rd/4th March 2012 - Sawmills Gauging Narrows)
This photo gallery shows the work done by WRG NW volunteers in 2012..
Pictures taken by George Rogers.
Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
The volunteers start work...
...with the first order of the day being stone sorting
Nick stands poised to supply mortar...
...being mixed by Ulrich (L) and Viv
A new stone pile grows from the dismantled section
The groove is about to be dismantled - these photos will ensure it goes back the same way!
The mixers briefly stand idle
The materials deplete
Brew break gives an opportunity to see the early progress
A further section of wall is dismantled
The wall grows...
...and grows