Work Parties - Photo Galleries
(WRG NW Weekend 5/6 January 2013 - Sawmills tree felling)
This photo gallery shows the work done by WRG NW volunteers in 2013.
Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
Volunteers get the fire going to burn the smaller material that is chopped down elsewhere.
Photo: John Hawkins
The chainsaw operators, all professionally trained, work on removing the trees.
Photo: George Rogers
The chainsaw starts on a tree...
Photo: George Rogers
...and continues.
Photo: George Rogers
The end of the weekend (this taken from near the bridge).
Photo: Hugh Potter
A bit further up, the clearance is even more visible.
Photo: Hugh Potter
This was taken in 2012, after a previous work party - compare to the shot below to see the difference!
Photo: George Rogers
Not from quite the same spot, but it is obvious how much has been removed in comparison with the shot above.
Photo: Hugh Potter
Having cut a 'hinge' the operator steps back. Because of the telephone cable, this tree has to be persuaded to fall in the correct way by addition of a winch.
Photo: George Rogers
And the tree is down.
Photo: George Rogers
Now it must be logged.
Photo: George Rogers
It takes many volunteers to keep a satisfactory fire going!
Photo: George Rogers