Work Parties - Photo Galleries
(WRG Canal Camps - Derwentside Side Weir, August 2012)
This photo gallery shows the work done by WRG in the summer of 2012.
Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
The start of day 2, week 2. The footings for all of the walls were cast in a late night finish the previous day - some volunteers finished work after 9pm and walked back to the vans in the dark!
Photo: Alan Lines
Another brickie pauses to consider his next course of action (no pun intended...)
Photo: George Rogers
Once the flow of water is stopped, the old structure can then be removed - using a combination of mini excavator and hand tools.
Photo: Squidge Scicluna
Skip forward a few days, and the scaffolding has been erected, the wall removed and the first piece of formwork is set to receive concrete
Photo: Squidge Scicluna