The Simon Stoker Archive
We are absolutely delighted that Simon Stoker, the former General Manager for the Cromford Canal, has agreed to share these images of the Canal in the days of the Cromford Canal Society with us. The captions are his own.

Images marked (ADS) were taken by his late father, Dr. Desmond Stoker.

Many of the pictures have been scanned from 40 year old slides and the quality has therefore suffered a little, but they are still a remarkable tribute to the work of the Cromford Canal Society.

Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.

Restoration Work

The 9 ton Smith 14 excavator having just arrived. It was driven across the fields above the canal and into the canal bed through the entry point just visible behind the machine. (ADS)

Photos of the restoration work carried out by the Cromford Canal Society

'John Gray'

The "John Gray" moored at Cromford Wharf. The padlock and chain were unfortunately essential because of constant vandalism.

'John Gray' was the horse drawn passenger boat at the time.

Canal Views

The first and last trip with John Gray through the Gregory Tunnel. (see Building Bridge 6)

A series of views along the canal in the times of the Cromford Canal Society

Leawood Pump House

The 50-inch steam cylinder of the Leawood Pump, shown with the engine at full stroke. The valves can be seen at the back on the right.

Images from before and after the restoration of Leawood Pump House

Building Bridge 6

PHASE ONE - the main steel assembly - is completed in a day. 10 men and a girl pause for a group photo.

Images and commentary on the building of bridge 6 on the Leawood Aqueduct by the Cromford Canal Society