Simon Stoker Archive - Leawood Pump House
This photo gallery forms a part of the Simon Stoker Archive, a collection of images shared by the former General Manager of the Cromford Canal, Simon Stoker. The captions are his own.

Images marked (ADS) were taken by his late father, Dr. Desmond Stoker.

Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.

Click on any of the images to see a larger version.

Our first sight of the Leawood Pumphouse before restoration started. 
In this photo are (left to right): Alf Etchells, Simon Stoker, John Gray, Peter Gray (in the pump chamber).

Our first sight of the Leawood Pumphouse before restoration started. In this photo are (left to right): Alf Etchells, Simon Stoker, John Gray, Peter Gray (in the pump chamber).

The steam cylinder end of the Beam, showing the parallel motion. Also visible is the steam cylinder and the valve gear. This photo was probably taken around 1979/80.

The steam cylinder end of the Beam, showing the parallel motion. Also visible is the steam cylinder and the valve gear. This photo was probably taken around 1979/80.

The results of one pumping stroke - 3½ tons of water (approx 750 galls) enter the canal! To prevent surging in the pipe and possible damage to the valves, we left the stop planks in permanently. The results of the pump stroke were very impressive!

The results of one pumping stroke - 3½ tons of water (approx 750 galls) enter the canal! To prevent surging in the pipe and possible damage to the valves, we left the stop planks in permanently. The results of the pump stroke were very impressive!

The restored Leawood Pump, showing the steam cylinder and valve gear. This photo was probably taken around 1979/80.

The restored Leawood Pump, showing the steam cylinder and valve gear. This photo was probably taken around 1979/80.

The 50-inch steam cylinder of the Leawood Pump, shown with the engine at full stroke. The valves can be seen at the back on the right.

The 50-inch steam cylinder of the Leawood Pump, shown with the engine at full stroke. The valves can be seen at the back on the right.

Some of the people involved in the initial stages at Leawood Pumphouse. In this photo are (left to right): Simon Stoker, Alan Hyde, (unknown), John Gray, Andrew Stoker, Sir David Huddie, (unknown), (unknown), (unknown), The Duke of Devonshire. (ADS)

Some of the people involved in the initial stages at Leawood Pumphouse. In this photo are (left to right): Simon Stoker, Alan Hyde, (unknown), John Gray, Andrew Stoker, Sir David Huddie, (unknown), (unknown), (unknown), The Duke of Devonshire. (ADS)

The plunger of the pump seen at full stroke. The pump is just about to lift 3½ tons of water from the River Derwent up to the canal. The two gauges visible at the front were added by ourselves to show suction and pressure during the pumping cycle.

The plunger of the pump seen at full stroke. The pump is just about to lift 3½ tons of water from the River Derwent up to the canal. The two gauges visible at the front were added by ourselves to show suction and pressure during the pumping cycle.