Simon Stoker Archive - John Gray
This photo gallery forms a part of the Simon Stoker Archive, a collection of images shared by the former General Manager of the Cromford Canal, Simon Stoker. The captions are his own.
Images marked (ADS) were taken by his late father, Dr. Desmond Stoker.
Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
This is a classic shot of the boat horse 'Tina' working the "John Gray" through Bridge 1. This was taken in the mid 1980s.
The "John Gray" on an excursion, having just passed through Bridge 2 and returning to Cromford. Dennis Shooter is steering.
A routine weekend excursion of the "John Gray", seen here approaching Bridge 1 from Leawood. The horse is 'Tina', so the photo was taken c.1987. Note the well kept towpath and cut reeds, as well as the wide channel following re-dredging with the floating machine.
The Duchess of Devonshire christens the new passenger boat "Duchess". Shown in this photo are (left to right): Dr Desmond Stoker (Chairman), Simon Stoker (General Manager), The Duchess of Devonshire. In the background are a number of councillors, and on the far right Peter Clark (Planning Officer). This boat was until recently in quite a sorry state, but was restored in 2006. It is now moored at the Wharf Shed, High Peak.
The "John Gray" returns to Cromford Wharf to disembark passengers. This photo was taken in the mid 1980s.
The "John Gray" moored at Cromford Wharf. The padlock and chain were unfortunately essential because of constant vandalism.