Friends of the Cromford Canal - July 2015

Derbyshire Record Society has published the first volume of the Minutes of the Cromford Canal Co covering the important years from 1789 to 1799 during which the canal was conceived, constructed and opened. Transcribed by members of the FCC, copies are available to FCC members at a special price of £20; the cost to non-members is £30 plus £3 p&p (a jolly good reason for joining - details here!) from Derbyshire Record Society, 9 Owen Falls Ave, Chesterfield S410FR. You can download further details of this and other DRS titles on special offer to FCC members here.


Friends of the Cromford Canal - April 2015

As part of its multi-million pound investment in creating a new service reservoir at Ambergate, Severn Trent Water is giving nearly £30,000 to local good causes, as well as helping local community groups.

FCC was delighted to recive a cheque for £2500 for restoration work on the Sawmills Gauging Narrows.

Hugh Potter and John Baylis in the trendy red hard hats receiving the cheque from Severn Trent staff.


Friends of the Cromford Canal - March 2015

Following on from the English Heritage award of Scheduled Ancient Monument status to part of the Butterley Tunnel and in particular the underground wharf known as the Wide Hole, English Heritage has now also scheduled Fritchley Tunnel on the Butterley Company's gangroad. This tunnel was recently recognised as "the earliest surviving railway tunnel in the world". Although not a canal tunnel as such, it was constructed entirely as a result of the opening of the Cromford Canal in 1794 so as to enable Outram & Co (which became the Butterley Co) to carry limestone from Crich to Bullbridge where it was loaded into boats for onward carriage to its iron-smelting furnaces located directly above Butterley Tunnel. Full details of the new scheduling here.

FCC win top raffle award

Friends of the Cromford Canal - 23rd February 2015

The Inland Waterways Association Restoration Raffle in 2014 was unusual in that the profits of the raffle are being apportioned to the waterway restoration charities in respect of the number of tickets its members sold. Through concerted efforts by its members the Friends of the Cromford Canal sold the most tickets and have been awarded with the highest amount of £1,200.

John Baylis BEM, Acting Chairman of the FCC, was recently presented with the cheque by Les Etheridge the National Chairman of the IWA. John Baylis said "The FCC is delighted to receive such a substantial sum through the raffle. Our success in the raffle was achieved thanks to the efforts of our committee who distributed tickets to every member to sell to promote the tremendous work by the IWA in keeping our canals alive."

Matt Rogers from the FCC Engineering Committee said "The money awarded is being put towards the purchase of tools and equipment as the teams of volunteers commence full restoration works on the Ironville flight of locks. We will be welcoming back the Waterway Recovery Group this summer to continue the fabulous achieve-ments of 2014 Canal Camp at Ironville to uncover the heritage of William Jessop's locks."

The Friends of the Cromford Canal has now adopted the Ironville locks from the Canal & River Trust to carry out the routine agricultural maintenance in addition to starting restoration work on the flight of seven locks. This work is involving volunteers from Jacksdale and Ironville as well as students from Broomfield College.

FCC Chairman John Baylis (right) receives the cheque for £1,200 from IWA Chairman Les Etheridge

WRG at work on Lock 4 at Ironville