The Pinxton Arm Restoration - WRG Christmas Camp 2005
This photo gallery shows a number of images from the Waterway Recovery Group (WRG) Christmas Camp held on the Pinxton Arm in 2005. Please note that the galleries are due to be updated in the near future to use a better viewing system.

Click on any of the images to see a larger version.

A Recipe for Success!

A Recipe for Success!

It's nice to see even more WRG vans - at the Ironville end of the reservoir...

It's nice to see even more WRG vans - at the Ironville end of the reservoir...

... and work happening near the junction of the Pinxton Arm

... and work happening near the junction of the Pinxton Arm

The worksite seen here from Junction Bridge.

The worksite seen here from Junction Bridge.

The chain saw could be heard well away, making short work of the bigger trees...

The chain saw could be heard well away, making short work of the bigger trees...

... and there was no shortage of volunteers to feed the obligatory bonfire...

... and there was no shortage of volunteers to feed the obligatory bonfire...

... including at least one member of the waterways Press! (Martin Ludgate, Assistant Editor of Canal Boat & Inland Waterways)

... including at least one member of the waterways Press! (Martin Ludgate, Assistant Editor of Canal Boat & Inland Waterways)

Some workers were clearing the lesser trees with hand tools...

Some workers were clearing the lesser trees with hand tools...

... feeding a bonfire at the other end of the section.

... feeding a bonfire at the other end of the section.

Moose, the Work Party Organiser, pictured with the Captain's Log!

Moose, the Work Party Organiser, pictured with the Captain's Log!

Chain saw maintenance is ALWAYS required...

Chain saw maintenance is ALWAYS required...

When the weather's this bad, food and hot drinks are VITAL.

When the weather's this bad, food and hot drinks are VITAL.

Locals were much in evidence - feedback was mainly positive!

Locals were much in evidence - feedback was mainly positive!

A week later, and it's all looking clear...

A week later, and it's all looking clear...

... VERY clear!

... VERY clear!

The trees were visibly damaging the dam wall...

The trees were visibly damaging the dam wall...

... not any more!

... not any more!

The far end of the stretch was well-cleared, too...

The far end of the stretch was well-cleared, too...

... and it was possible to see the junction bridge from the arm for the first time in a very long time.

... and it was possible to see the junction bridge from the arm for the first time in a very long time.

The cleared site...

The cleared site...

... from all sides.

... from all sides.

... and these lads & lasses come with all the parts needed.

... and these lads & lasses come with all the parts needed.

Returning a couple of days later, work had (and was) continued, despite the snow and ice.

Returning a couple of days later, work had (and was) continued, despite the snow and ice.

It's not just stuff IN the canal... this bike frame was found in the undergrowth.

It's not just stuff IN the canal... this bike frame was found in the undergrowth.

Moose supervises the bonfires - very welcome when the temperarure's below freezing!

Moose supervises the bonfires - very welcome when the temperarure's below freezing!

There's not a lot left...

There's not a lot left...

Using one of the few remaining trees as a

Using one of the few remaining trees as a "fixed point" to winch out some of the other tree roots with a Tirfor.

"I'll get this Tirfor to unlatch if it's the last thing I do!"

"I'll get this Tirfor to unlatch if it's the last thing I do!"

Once again, the results are looking spectacular!

Once again, the results are looking spectacular!

Looking under the arch of the junction bridge, there's room for a canal again.

Looking under the arch of the junction bridge, there's room for a canal again.

"WRG woz 'ere, too!" work's also been done in the run-off channel, where there's a lot less in the way of trees than there was.

"WRG woz 'ere, too!" work's also been done in the run-off channel, where there's a lot less in the way of trees than there was.