Simon Stoker Archive - Building Bridge 6
This photo gallery and accompanying commentary form a part of the Simon Stoker Archive, a collection of images shared by the former General Manager of the Cromford Canal, Simon Stoker. The captions are his own.
Images marked (ADS) were taken by his late father, Dr. Desmond Stoker.
A commentary of the project by Simon Stoker is available on the previous page.
Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
The completed bridge in late 1990. This photo taken after the demise of CCS - note the lack of maintenance and the peeling paint.
Surveyors from the local authority lining up the critical centre point on which the whole bridge depends. They made regular visits to the site to monitor construction. In the background is the old fixed bridge, raised on sleepers to permit the passage of our small workboat.
The site at the east end of Leawood Aqueduct had to be cleared of vegetation and a new concrete base was cast to receive the mountings.
Having been t ransported by water the 1½ miles from Cromford, the galvanised sections arrive on our workboat. In the foreground is the completed main bearing assembly on the main concrete base. (The rest was filled later).
FINE TUNING - temporary ballast is used to check the balance and swing. While the new bridge is open for the first time the opportunity is taken to paint the internal steel work prior to covering the framework with wooden decking. Once it was finished, the ballast needed is packed in the box under the right hand side. We used concrete blocks for this.
FIRST ASSEMBLY - the prefabricated sections were assembled for the first time in the contractor's yard at Longcliffe. A single finger was enough to swing the bridge, so well was it balanced. From there the parts were sent to be galvanised before being delivered to Cromford Wharf.
The main bearing of the bridge was of modern design - a double ballrace. Here the lower half is receiving a pre-oiling before the top plate is added.