Mailing Lists

The mailing lists are a way for the committee to contact the membership to help get the news out about what is actually happening. The different lists provide members with the opportunity to tailor the information they receive to that which is of interest or relevance to them.

The lists are only available to members, and this will be checked before your subscription is approved.

The lists are one-way, i.e. only the committee can send information through the list - this means that you will only get important information and are protected from the large volumes of traffic that the yahoo group discussion list can generate.

Feel free to subscribe to all or none, or anywhere in between - the whole point is that YOU get what YOU want!

Click on any list to find out more and to subscribe.


List Description
News Breaking and general news about the work being done by FCC
Work-Party Upcoming dates and arrangements for work parties
Work-Party-Sawmills Work party information specifically for the Sawmills site
Events Information about upcoming events
Event-Volunteers Information about volunteering opportunities at upcoming events

FCC Mailing lists are all administrated by the webmaster, and run through the 'Mailman' system.